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Thomas à Becket® (Auswinston): The rose with a connection to Canterbury Cathedral

As Christmas approaches and we decorate our homes and gardens with festive cheer, it’s a good time to think about the plants that add beauty and history to our outdoor spaces. One rose that stands out is Thomas à Becket® (Auswinston), a variety that brings a touch of tradition and elegance to any garden. This rose is particularly special because of its strong links to Canterbury Cathedral, a site known for its significance in English history and Christmas traditions.

The story behind the name

Thomas à Becket® (Auswinston), is named after Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury who was martyred in 1170. Becket was a man of great faith who stood firm against the power of the monarchy, which ultimately led to his tragic death in Canterbury Cathedral. Following his martyrdom, the cathedral became an important place of pilgrimage, drawing visitors from across the country and beyond. Today, Canterbury Cathedral is still a symbol of devotion and history, especially during Christmas when it is filled with celebrations and reflective moments.
Naming this rose after Thomas Becket was a way of honouring his legacy. Just as Becket’s story continues to be remembered for his faith and resilience, Thomas à Becket® (Auswinston) stands out in gardens for its beauty and connection to the cathedral that played such an important part in his life.

What makes Thomas à Becket special

Thomas à Becket® (Auswinston) is different from many other English roses. Its growth is more natural and wild, similar to species roses, making it stand out in the garden. The plant reaches a height and width of about 4-5ft (140cm), ideal for mixed borders or as a feature in larger garden spaces.
The blooms are a rich crimson-red and appear in medium-sized heads that gently nod on their stems. As they open, the flowers form shallow, cupped rosettes that look relaxed and elegant. The petals curl back as the blooms age, giving them a beautiful, informal look. The scent is an old-fashioned rose fragrance with hints of lemon zest, which adds a refreshing touch to your garden.

The connection to Christmas

While Thomas à Becket® (Auswinston) only flowers from spring through to autumn, its deep, warm red colour is perfect for evoking the spirit of Christmas. The colour of its blooms calls to mind the rich reds of holly, berries, and seasonal decorations. Plus, the connection to Canterbury Cathedral, with its history of Christmas celebrations and traditions, adds to the rose’s festive feel. Imagine enjoying the memory of this special plant as you celebrate the festive season, knowing it has links to a place that has been central to England’s Christmas history for centuries.

Growing Thomas à Becket in your garden

Thomas à Becket® (Auswinston) is a good choice for gardeners who want a rose that offers beauty, history, and an element of tradition. It grows well in all soil types and prefers full sunlight, making it suitable for east, south, or west-facing gardens. This rose blooms repeatedly from late spring to early autumn, ensuring that you can enjoy its vibrant flowers and pleasant fragrance throughout the summer months.
If you’re looking to add a touch of English history and Christmas spirit to your garden, Thomas à Becket® (Auswinston) is an excellent choice. Its rich red flowers, combined with its link to Canterbury Cathedral, make it a rose that captures the essence of tradition and celebration.


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