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A closer look at Gertrude Jekyll®

Gertrude Jekyll® (Ausbord)

Colour: Fabulous, bright glowing pink
Flowering: Repeat
Fragrance: Strong, quintessential Old Rose
Flower Shape: Flat rosettes, 4" across
Breeder: David Austin, 1986

Behind the name

First bred by David Austin over 30 years ago, this rose was named after the influential garden designer and horticulturist Gertrude Jekyll.

Jekyll was instrumental in developing garden design as we know it today. She was particularly interested by the use of colour and texture, writing a number of books on the subject.

"The best purpose of a garden is to give delight and to give refreshment of mind..."

Gertrude Jekyll
How to use her - the shrub rose

The shrub rose is ideal for growing in a pot or container to brighten up a patio. It also works as a great focal point in a mixed bed paired with purple companion plants.

How to use her - the climbing rose

The climbing version of this rose is ideal for training up a wall or fence.


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